Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Van Jones the hits just keep coming 3

Beck is on this like a junk yard dog, He isnt going to let go. In the last few days George Soros and the left have been trying to scrub this guy's image clean to the point where they are actually now claiming that he has totally transformed from communist into raging capitalist. All of a sudden he's a combination of Bill Gates and J. Paul Getty. He's main streamed now. The perfect young go getting entrepreneur to kick job creation into high gear. All he wants to do is create green jobs, right? That's like saying Sonia Sotomayor just wants to make the best decision based on the law. Then what's all this social justice thing? It has nothing to do with the laws. It has nothing to do with the Constitution. It's about social justice. Could the same thing be said about the green jobs? Because that's all he wants to do, remember, just create new green jobs. "Well, I hate to intrude with the facts here." But let's listen to Van Jones' own words. Granted, we do have to go way, way, way back. I mean, I don't even know how old Barack Obama was when this event happened. It was clear way back, time machine before April. Yes, yes. We have to go all the way back into the past to March, to the Power Shift '09 conference. Just before Van Jones was appointed as our president's special advisor, someone that would advise the president of the United States on how to create green jobs, just before that appointment he said this: www.glennbeck.com
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Time: 10:00 More in News & Politics

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