Saturday, January 29, 2011

Omar Faruk Tekbilek - The Story Of Suleyman!

The Story Of Suleyman - A masterpiece from the Album "Omar Faruk Tekbilek & Brian Keane - Süleyman The Magnificent"(1992). Listen & Enjoy it. Omar Faruk Tekbilek had been studying Sufism, the mystical branch of Islam, with the thought of becoming a Sufi cleric. At 15, he quit school to become a professional musician. "But I never quit studying, though," he maintains. "In fact, I am still studying; it's endless. Music for me is not something to show off. It's my life. It's the shortest path to God. Playing is prayer for me." He went to Istanbul and at the age of 17 met the Mevlevi Dervishes, the ancient Sufi order of Turkey. He did not join the order, but felt profoundly influenced by their mystical approach to sound and to the spirit. Another, almost equally mystical influence would soon appear, from an unlikely source. The young Tekbilek became friends with a saxophone player named Burhan Tonguch, who had some unusual ideas about music theory. "He would say things like, let's play for birds, let's play for pictures. He put the idea in my mind that everything is a rhythmic instrument. And everyone is a percussionist. Without the strike, there is no sound." Despite, or perhaps because of, this unconventional outlook, Faruk's skills were much in demand in the studios of Istanbul, and in 1971, at the age of 20, made his first brief tour of the United States with a Turkish classical/folk ensemble. The Tree of Patience was about to put out an unexpected limb. "I try to play a <b>...</b>
From: tiad
Views: 20444
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Time: 02:05 More in Music

Spongebob Squarepants - The Bikini Bottom Triangle(2x speed)(HQ)

I don't own anything :D 2010 Viacom International If you want the normal speed, just do the following for Chrome: 1. Click the wrench on the upper right of Chrome 2. Click Tools 3. Choose Developer Tools 3.5.(optional) If asked to enable Resource Tracking, choose always enable 4. Click Resources 5. Scroll down until you see the file named "videoplayback" 6. Double-click it 7. Then the download bar will appear with the videoplayback file on it 8. After downloading, put the name of the file you desire then put in .flv 9. Voila! Now you can watch it, but with the 2x speed for IE 1. Click Tools (or Gear for IE9) 2. Choose Internet Options 3. Click Settings on the Browsing History space 4. Click View Files 5. Scroll Down until to the bottom and find the videoplayback file (XP will always save the video, In 7 I'm not sure because in our 7 desktop and laptop, it won't save(use Chrome in 7 for sure)) 6. Same with Chrome number 8 7. Same with Chrome number 9 Firefox not available Conversion of FLV to AVI and WMV These are the formats that WMM (Windows Movie Maker) need to edit the video 1. Download Free FLV Converter ( 2. Then choose Free FLV Converter on the left side 3. After downloading and installation, open it and click Conversion from FLV 4. A window will open and choose the file 5. The window will close and another will open 6. Choose the right preferences -Preferences to change -AVI or WMV format - 704x480 DO NOT TOUCH ANY OTHER PREFERENCES UNLESS YOU KNOW <b>...</b>
Views: 971
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Time: 05:31 More in Film & Animation

Friday, January 28, 2011

Atkins Diet: Acceptable Low Carb Sweeteners

In this video, I give my perspective on the acceptable sweeteners for those following a low carb diet. A number of new sweeteners have hit the market since Dr. Atkins wrote his book, and while I don't presume to talk for him, I am giving my perspective on the sweeteners on the market based upon personal experience and meta-analysis of the experts in the field. As with most things, your experience may differ from mine or the norm, and you may be able to consume a particular sweetener and have no side effects and continue to lose weight at the rate expected. One final note -- one thing Dr. Atkins said was our food should be as unprocessed as possible, and that we should shop the exterior of the grocery store. Most of the foods sweetened with these items are in the middle or a special health food section. The vast majority of your food on the Atkins Diet should be regular food with natural ingredients. Each day or even meal does not need a dessert to cap it off. Acceptable Sweeteners: * Splenda (sucralose) - granulated or liquid form ( ) * Saccharin * Stevia - Natural * Rebiana extract ( ) * * * Oligofructose / Inulin ( -- * Inulin works just like fiber and is made out of plants like chicory root and isn't digested like other starches, it isn't absorbed, so it doesn't have an effect on blood sugar. * Inulin (IN-yoo-lin) is used as a test to help diagnose problems or <b>...</b>
From: bowulf
Views: 3858
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Time: 08:17 More in Education

The Mystery Of Molech

Myths,Legends,and Facts about the "Owl" from different cultures around the world - It's place at "The Bohemian Grove" - And a surprising ending that will make all the hairs on the back of your neck stand up! I DARE YOU TO WATCH THIS SERIES! (Now has 4 parts!)... ********************************************************* People need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy.As a man,I'am flesh and blood.I can be ignored,I can be destroyed,but as a symbol. As a symbol I can be incorruptable,I can be everlasting. What symbol? Something elemental,something terrifying... I chose the symbol of the "Owl" because the owl is known as "Wise" because it see's things in the dark like no other creature can see.Also,the NWO (New World Order have perverted such a noble creature (Created by God) by worshipping it at their groves.I WILL USE THEIR OWN SYMBOL TO STRIKE FEAR INTO THEIR HEARTS!!! To remind them that it is the people who have the power,NOT the government! I want there to come a day when they worship "Molech" ( The "Owl-god" at "Bohemian Grove") that they will be reminded of truth,freedom,and the American way (According to the Constitution of The United States of America,and The Bill of Rights) And that there is but one TRUE God,and his name is The Lord Jesus Christ... And wherever they (Members of the NWO) may be.When they hear the "Screech" (Or "Who-Who") of the Owl,they will be reminded of me...OwlMan...(Who truly stands for the people) and they won't <b>...</b>
From: TheOwlMan
Views: 294876
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Time: 08:51 More in Nonprofits & Activism

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Shannon Cleay : The best way to a flat stomach , CH9 "Whats Good For You "

Shannon Cleary's take on her feature stor on Channel 9's " What's Good For You ", Wednesday May 27, 2009 ARE SIT UPS THE BEST WAY TO A FLAT STOMACH ? Sorry people but it's silly to think SIT UP'S are going to burn fat off your stomach and give you a six pac. Let me add that functional abdominal exercises (if performed correctly) may assist in PULLING your tummy (organs) in giving it the appearance of "flatter" tummy however it's more important to "strengthen" your core (front and back of body) to improve your posture. It's important to understand that sit ups alone are for losers and won't assist in fat loss at all! Forget doing 100 sit ups before bed you are better off getting into bed and sleeping yourself slim SERIOUSLY! Best Exercise: There are several however here are a few to get you started. IE: The prone plank or side plank as demonstrated on my recent appearance on Mornings with Kerrie-Anne Flat and fat: "FLATTER" does not mean FAT LESS! People can pull their tummy in "flatter" via sucking in their transverse abdominal (core) but that doesn't mean they automatically have no fat on their belly! What to do: Sleeping really well, eating "real" food - especially animal / plant protein, being active and doing total body hard heavy weight training is the BEST way to assist your body in the fat burning process. I'll let you in on a secret: The two girls in this belly experiment did not "just do" either pole dancing or use Swiss ball alone for eight weeks as these <b>...</b>
Views: 41262
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Time: 03:24 More in Entertainment

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Defeat Michelle Bachman!

MSNBC's Hardball [featured] Congresswoman from Minnesota named Michele Bachmann...Bachmann said of Barack Obama, "I'm very concerned that he may have anti-American views." She then called on the media to "take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out, are they pro-America or anti-America?" I've heard a lot of toxic words in my time as Editor of The Nation. The magazine and its editors have been called un-American, unpatriotic, America- haters, and worse. But Bachmann's name-calling, and brazen channeling of Joe McCarthy made me angry. Really angry. When Matthews turned to me for my response I told him exactly what I was feeling, "Chris, I fear for my country.... This is a politics, at a moment of extreme economic pain in this country, that is incendiary, that is so debased that I'm kind of almost having a hard time breathing, because I think it's very scary, because this is a country I love." Since then, the backlash to Bachmann's (and McCain-Palin's) politics of fear and loathing and demonization, division and distraction is reason for hope, and it also looks as though it might lead to this right-wing ideologue's well-deserved defeat in November. Bachmann's challenger, Democrat Elwyn Tinklenberg, has raised $1.3 million from approximately 20000 people since Bachmann gave voice to her politics of (self) destruction. According to the Washington Post, he has quadrupled his television advertising, the Cook Political Report now calls the race a "tossup <b>...</b>
Views: 2966
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Time: 08:24 More in News & Politics

Korie Lucious

 Spartans guard Korie Lucious reacts to news of suspension from Michigan State


Late Tuesday night, Michigan State University made the announcement that junior guard Korie Lucious has been suspended for the remainder of the 2011 season, according to a report from Head coach Tom Izzo released this statement shortly after the decision on the team's site.

"Unfortunately, Korie Lucious displayed conduct detrimental to the program. My focus is on this team for the remainder of the season."

While there is no word as to the reasoning behind Michigan State's decision to dismiss Lucious for the rest of the season, it should be noted that he has established a reputation as a troublemaker since joining the team in 2008. He was charged over the summer for driving under the influence--which forced him to sit out the season opener after pleading guilty in September--and was also suspended at one point last season for skipping class.

Obviously, Lucious is far from the mature type of athlete Izzo and the rest of Michigan State hoped he would be. Prior to the announcement of his suspension, Lucious posted a message on his Twitter account that shows how mature of an athlete he really is.

"Man did I really mess up this 2 the gym I go!"

While the tweet may seem a bit sarcastic, at least Lucious is willing to admit he's at fault in this situation.

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