Saturday, January 29, 2011

Spongebob Squarepants - The Bikini Bottom Triangle(2x speed)(HQ)

I don't own anything :D 2010 Viacom International If you want the normal speed, just do the following for Chrome: 1. Click the wrench on the upper right of Chrome 2. Click Tools 3. Choose Developer Tools 3.5.(optional) If asked to enable Resource Tracking, choose always enable 4. Click Resources 5. Scroll down until you see the file named "videoplayback" 6. Double-click it 7. Then the download bar will appear with the videoplayback file on it 8. After downloading, put the name of the file you desire then put in .flv 9. Voila! Now you can watch it, but with the 2x speed for IE 1. Click Tools (or Gear for IE9) 2. Choose Internet Options 3. Click Settings on the Browsing History space 4. Click View Files 5. Scroll Down until to the bottom and find the videoplayback file (XP will always save the video, In 7 I'm not sure because in our 7 desktop and laptop, it won't save(use Chrome in 7 for sure)) 6. Same with Chrome number 8 7. Same with Chrome number 9 Firefox not available Conversion of FLV to AVI and WMV These are the formats that WMM (Windows Movie Maker) need to edit the video 1. Download Free FLV Converter ( 2. Then choose Free FLV Converter on the left side 3. After downloading and installation, open it and click Conversion from FLV 4. A window will open and choose the file 5. The window will close and another will open 6. Choose the right preferences -Preferences to change -AVI or WMV format - 704x480 DO NOT TOUCH ANY OTHER PREFERENCES UNLESS YOU KNOW <b>...</b>
Views: 971
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Time: 05:31 More in Film & Animation

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