Sunday, February 06, 2011

Deadpool's Comic Con Song (Parody)!

The title says it all. (Marvel/DC/Comic Con Parody/Review) Not an ad, and in no way affiliated with Comic Con International. Follow the Randoms at Visit for more! Note: This Is A Fair Use Movie/Franchise Review and Parody. ItsJustSomeRandomGuy is the Writer, Performer and Copyright Holder. "The Comic Con Song" Music and Lyrics by ItsJustSomeRandomGuy Lyrics: Sing! It's another Comic Con! Thing! It's another ever-lovin', blue-eyed Comic Con! Time for the fates of the Hollywood big brass To be decided by guys dressed like Kick-Ass! Zing! It's another Comic Con! Softly sleeping studio heads Waking suddenly from their beds. Desperately screaming in a sweat, "Who do we pander to for cred?" You! At another Comic Con! Dude! You know, with great power comes a big-ass Comic Con! Four days when all of the media outlets Try to pretend they've always cared about us! Boom! It's another Comic Con! Girls in underwear super-suits, Fish-net stockings, go-go boots, Parading around for kids to stare, But since it's cosplay, we don't care! Smile! It's another Comic Con! I'm! Selling bootleg hentai at my booth in Comic Con! That time of year when the geeks feel like princes For every hour their line moves two inches! Time! For another Comic Con! Crowds of people in Hall H, Childlike wonder on each face, Hearts filled with hope that with any luck, Maybe this year these films won't suck! Hey! I got that from Comic Con! Stay! Away from my priceless, useless crap <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:46 More in Comedy

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