Monday, February 14, 2011

Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass - Casino Royale

Movie full uploaded by MGMDigitalMedia Any movie directed by 5 different people is bound to be confusing. This was, off course, no exception. Orson Welles reportedly insisted on including magic tricks into his scenes, a possible source of the friction between him and Peter Sellers. Peter Sellers and Orson Welles hated each other so much that the filming of the scene where both of them face each other across a gaming table actually took place on different days with a double standing in for one the actors. Peter Sellers often caused interruptions by leaving the set for days at a time. The rift between Orson Welles and Peter Sellers was partly caused by the arrival on set of Princess Margaret, sister of the Queen. Sellers knew her of old and greeted her in an ostentatious manner to ensure all cast and crew noticed. However, the Princess walked straight past him and made a big fuss over Welles. Nonplussed, Sellers stormed off the set and refused to film with Welles again. When Mata Bond swings into action, the background music is "Bond Street" ( ) also scored by this film's composer, Burt Bacharach. The real Bond Street can be seen in the later James Bond movie, Octopussy (1983). An enormous Taj Mahal-type set was designed for the film but never built. The real Taj Mahal can be seen in the later James Bond movie Octopussy (1983). The gadget used by Le Chiffre to cheat at Baccarat was a pair of infra-red sunglasses with x-ray capabilities. X-ray <b>...</b>
From: tutv1980
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Time: 02:37 More in Music

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