Thursday, February 17, 2011

Gold standard DEBATE on "Colbert Report" with Ron Paul!!! Check out some of the comments!!! "Lovely. Paul is a throwback to the "Goldbugs" of yesteryear" "Wrong in every respect and unfortunately a common myth" "We throw an artificial value on gold and silver. They're not rare metals--we have tons upon tons of it. Gold is only worth what you believe it's worth. Do a little reading on monetary history and economics before YOU show your ignorance." "In other words gold has value because people will always buy gold? We should base our economy on a tautology derives from an essentially irrational attraction to a material of little actual use?" "Ron Paul is an interesting guy. THe first few things out of his mouth sound like they make perfect sense. THEN, he keeps talking and you say "wait a minute - that's just nutz". He proceeds without passing GO and ends up to crazytown, Every single time. Amazing." "Paul is simply a loon. Both he and his stoner son made multiple appearances on Alex Jones' radio show, Prison Planet. That gives you a good idea where Paul is coming from." "The absurdity of Paul's position become clear when Colbert suggested that pants makers would make a fortune on reinforced pockets to hold all the gold. Paul deflected this obvious shot by claiming that you wouldn't really carry the gold. You see, you'll have a certificate that will represent gold. A certificate? We have those already, Paul. It's called currency. I seriously wonder about the intelligence and sanity of these gold bugs. Gold <b>...</b>
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Time: 06:46 More in News & Politics

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