Sunday, March 27, 2011

Traci Toguchi Question of the Day: Fate & Destiny - Corresponding Blog Post In a serendipitous moment, there was just enough daylight for me to shoot the Question of the Day video in one take. Recently, this word has been coming up in quite a few conversations with Russ aka @parkrat on Twitter. We initially got a kick finding out many similarities we share (both Okinawan and Japanese, attended the same high school, knew the same people, etc.), but something else pretty kewl recently popped up. I spoke with him about my wanting to work with a band for album two, and what I was looking for. He mentioned a friend that plays in a popular local band that I was aware of, and realized he lives on the same hill as me. As it turns out, this friend of his happens to live TWO houses away from me, AND we both grew up in our respective houses, so we've been neighbors all this time! Why have we discovered this only now? Not sure. Serendipity. So, this past Sunday, Keith Monzen from Missing Dave and I had our first songwriting session (note I'm not working with Missing Dave, but some players from the band and other really kewl players too!). I was tickled pink as I walked across the street back to my place having nearly completed 2 songs we were both excited about. Meeting songwriters and being able to gel like that musically and personality-wise from the get-go is uncommon needless to say. Serendipity. [Photos: Inside Serenditpity NYC - Traci Toguchi Photo Caption: During my <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:36 More in People & Blogs

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