Sunday, March 06, 2011

ABC Nightline Paranoia Porn Inside Alex Jones' World.mp4

Radio Host and 'Conspiracy Theorist' Taps into Dark National Mood to Build Media Empire... To Alex Jones, the world is a very dark place. "Good old Uncle Sam will stage attacks ... that's how they keep the slaves in line," the libertarian radio host says during a rant on his show. "We have to wake up and face the fact that we have a criminal government." Jones, who sits at the helm of an independent media empire, is arguably the nation's premiere purveyor of what could be called paranoia porn. "World government means world tyranny run by a scientific dictatorship of control freaks that want to carry out forced population reduction," he explained. The criminal government is just one of many conspiracy theories Jones espouses -- although he thinks that term belittles his reporting. He also believes that the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center were an inside job, that President Barack Obama is an "unconstitutional criminal" and that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) runs concentration camps. "They [FEMA] have designation sports stadiums," he said matter-of-factly, "They have designated fields, they have designated closed down prisoner of war camps for the American people during a civil uprising." You can count on Jones to push the envelope. Take his stance on the government poisoning the water. "I have all the other government documents where the government proposes -- or government think tanks propose -- poisoning the water to dumb down the population to <b>...</b>
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Time: 06:39 More in Education

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