Tuesday, February 22, 2011

(Part One) Galactic Federation Of Light Ashtar Mar 12/09

www.galacticfriends.com ... Well good evening everyone this is indeed a most propitious day as you call your day and count them as they go by. Here we have a perfect example of a culmination of the cycle of the moon all of these things have been put into motion and a lot more to come. The news report tonight is most interesting didnt just happen yesterday it has been in culmination. It is because of several factors. Firstly its ordained that the monetary systems of Planet Earth would change so as to be a true service to all of humankind, and then eventually to just phase itself out because it is no longer needed. Now stop and think about it. It has taken since 1913 for this particular system to come to the height of decadence, disinformation, and just downright dastardly doings, they have regarded you as their slaves, and so it has taken all of this time, and think about the last 3 presidents of USA, Daddy Bush, Bush JR and in between you had the Clintons. Now Bill Clinton himself is a mixed bag as you know, but that is easily explained if you understand about clones and the difference between clones and humans, well they can be cloned as well. Now Bill Clinton never intended to do all the things his representatives did, certainly not to the extent of being in collaboration with Hilary who is flying around the world. Most clever to send her off. She has her instructions and will not deviate from her instructions. Reason being she has to answer - her hologram has to answer <b>...</b>
From: Komurosan
Views: 1359
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Time: 08:52 More in Education

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